Ministries Within Ministry

Photo by Jess Loiterton on

Sister J Copeland

Coats in a box

Sister D. Cook

A meal in a bag
I dreamed of building a dining hall/combination/personal hygiene area. My Church has property. I hope one day, we can become a center for those in need. We would be able to do breakfast and lunch. They would have the opportunity to shower and receive clean clothes. My Pastor gave the word about beginning where you are. This caught my attention. As I sat amid service, I could see everything so clearly. Why wait for the building? I talked with Sister Nettie about the idea, and she said, “Why wait on a building? You have a car and a trunk. We came up with ‘A Meal in a Bag.” That same day, I made a list of non-perishes items I could keep in my trunk. I went to Sam’s to purchase what I would need for a complete meal. That’s how my Meal in a Bag Ministry began. So, start where you are and leave the rest to God!! You will be so glad you did! If you think you are blessing someone, you will be the one who is blessed! I have added shoes and socks also.
Contact me: Dru Cook